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Our BDC monitoring and secret shopping services keep your dealership running efficiently.


Many people now shop online for cars before ever visiting a dealership. Sophisticated websites let you choose every feature you desire from tires and rims through upholstery, protective undercoatings, and plush extras like heated seats, surround sound audio systems, and interactive, hands-free GPS systems. Our monitoring process and audit reports measure the clarity of your dealership’s online communications and follow-up telecommunication skills.

AutoAd offers various types of auto dealership shops for both new and pre-owned dealers. In such a highly aggressive market as automotive sales and service, we’re dedicated to helping you gain and maintain a competitive edge. We rely on savvy shoppers who can convincingly pose as potential car buyers or those seeking parts and service to shop these stores.

At the end of every month, we will review with you

your current status, points to highlight,

and improvement over time.

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